Wednesday, October 6, 2010

As the weather changes...

... so does my life continue to shift.
I just started a new job, for the next two weeks I'll be working at both my old job and my new one. I am at the pastoral center now working as the receptionist. I enjoy it a lot (day 2 mind you) and it's great to meet lots of wonderful people. Getting up at 6 am while still going to bed at midnight it a little rough but I'm starting to get onto a normal sleep schedule again. Slowly.
My loans are continuing to decrease. I'm half way to having all of my loans paid off and then there's the additional 5,000 for the first year that will need to be raised as well. It's a good thing that the pastoral center provided me with a pay raise.
All in all other than total exhaustion life is going pretty well. I'm looking forward to the cooler weather and having my nights and weekends back.
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1 comment:

Just Jess said...

You can do it Mishima!