Saturday, July 24, 2010

Future and Fortune

So much has been going on since I last posted a week ago. I’ve paid off one of my loans in its entirety, and I put another $1000 down on another loan paying off the interest and a little bit of principal. I finally posted my web site. I’m trying to link these together. I want this to be where people can go and get updates while the website remains an in depth profile. The church has agreed to give me 700 dollars a month until December and the Knights of Columbus are raffling off a week vacation at a beach condo any time during the months of September and October, and the Youth will be doing a little bit of fundraising for me at the parish picnic. I can’t tell you how much the support of my home parish touches me. Thank you all.

Earlier this week I wrote the sister’s letting them know that I would not be able to pay off all of my loans in time to enter this August. Giving both me and the sister’s the freedom to move forward and make plans for the future. Deciding on if I should email them then or wait until they contacted me at the end of the month was where I was last week when I made those first few posts. My heart was definitely dragging. I knew that I wasn’t going to be entering this August and it hurt so much that it was affecting everything. Even the way I viewed myself, no doubt a casualty of this type of discernment. (The Devil is always looking for an opening.) But as I moved through the motions I began to realize how necessary this break between college and the convent was, the amount of spiritual growth that was going to happen.

I must say I love how God works. I’ve been shuffling my feet worried that I was giving up to soon, worried that I wasn’t holding up my end of the bargain, scared that maybe I hadn’t done enough to raise the money necessary. Then I sitting down for dinner at a Chinese restaurant and the fortune cookies were handed out. Do you like where I’m going with this? I open mine and laughed. “:-) It is not in your character to give up :-)” You would have laughed too.

Things are still really busy around here, but I’m making it a point to update at least once a week. Let everyone know what’s going on in my life. No promise though I already put in the disclaimer that I’m horrible at keeping up with these and a year is a really long time.

For now…Peace Friend

Friday, July 16, 2010


Getting to the convent is going to take a lot of work on my part and a lot of generosity from those around me. I currently owe $18,000 and counting since all of my loans are accruing interest and then the first year is about $2,000 dollars to cover living expenses and health insurance. Through the generous hearts of those around me I've raised $4,000 and in the last couple of months at work I've have my own $2,000 to add to that.
I can't begin to thank those who are supporting me. Your love is deeply felt.

original fundraising ideas

to track your href="">church

In the beginning...

I'm pretty horrible at keeping up with these things, but it's the summer so I imagine I'll be able to stay on it for at least another month before I no longer have the attention span for it.
There are two reasons I decided to give blogging a try. My first reason can be found in the about me section (which I will copy to the end of this post since it is likely to change over time) and the second reason, the one that moved me forward, was that I saw someone else’s that I liked and I enjoyed reading and I thought, “why not,” more or less.
I’m currently working for a warranty company taking calls from angry customers with broken electronics and appliances, and while it’s not that bad it’s not the great either, and why am I, a young 22 year old girl working a job I could care less about?
1. I have student loans
2. It pays
3. The benefits
4. It pays
And the reason why it’s so important that it pays is because I have a ton of student loans that have to be paid off so I can enter the convent. That’s the reason why I’m doing what I can to open up more now, because once formation begins it’s all out in the open no matter how much I want it to be or not.
Does that mean that I’m going to be plastering any thought and every musing up on this blog. No, that’s a negative. However things that I find interesting, amusing or just feel like typing out for my own sanity, are likely to appear. Enjoy, dislike or just ignore we live in a country that allows us incredible freedoms and those are just a few of them.
Oh, and I apologize for any missing apostrophes. My apostrophe bottom popped off my computer.

About me 7/16/10: I have thoughts. I have a voice. I feel. More times than not though, I play dumb. I stay silent and I hide. Anyone who knows me knows that I am not afraid to say what I’m thinking, but anyone who /sees/ me knows that there is more than biting words and heartless disinterest. I'm beginning a new chapter in my life. One where saying "that's none of you business" to everyone and everyone I meet isn't so much an option, and let’s face it… I need practice. It’s easier to share with complete strangers than with my closest friends, so why not begin here and work my way inward.