Friday, July 16, 2010

In the beginning...

I'm pretty horrible at keeping up with these things, but it's the summer so I imagine I'll be able to stay on it for at least another month before I no longer have the attention span for it.
There are two reasons I decided to give blogging a try. My first reason can be found in the about me section (which I will copy to the end of this post since it is likely to change over time) and the second reason, the one that moved me forward, was that I saw someone else’s that I liked and I enjoyed reading and I thought, “why not,” more or less.
I’m currently working for a warranty company taking calls from angry customers with broken electronics and appliances, and while it’s not that bad it’s not the great either, and why am I, a young 22 year old girl working a job I could care less about?
1. I have student loans
2. It pays
3. The benefits
4. It pays
And the reason why it’s so important that it pays is because I have a ton of student loans that have to be paid off so I can enter the convent. That’s the reason why I’m doing what I can to open up more now, because once formation begins it’s all out in the open no matter how much I want it to be or not.
Does that mean that I’m going to be plastering any thought and every musing up on this blog. No, that’s a negative. However things that I find interesting, amusing or just feel like typing out for my own sanity, are likely to appear. Enjoy, dislike or just ignore we live in a country that allows us incredible freedoms and those are just a few of them.
Oh, and I apologize for any missing apostrophes. My apostrophe bottom popped off my computer.

About me 7/16/10: I have thoughts. I have a voice. I feel. More times than not though, I play dumb. I stay silent and I hide. Anyone who knows me knows that I am not afraid to say what I’m thinking, but anyone who /sees/ me knows that there is more than biting words and heartless disinterest. I'm beginning a new chapter in my life. One where saying "that's none of you business" to everyone and everyone I meet isn't so much an option, and let’s face it… I need practice. It’s easier to share with complete strangers than with my closest friends, so why not begin here and work my way inward.

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